Within a recent two week period, Natalie learned to climb out of her crib and open doors, and Noelle learned to army crawl.
It started with a giant thud that shook the house during
nap time. Natalie had monkey climbed over the front of the crib and then fallen like a brick to the floor. At first, my husband and I switched Natalie's crib over to the toddler bed setting (it is a convertible crib). This resulted in a ransacked room and a very exhausted toddler during afternoon naps. While we were happy that Natalie was interested in getting out the 70 or so books that she would fling all over the room, we really wished that she would also put them back. We really wished that she would actually stay in her bed. Us parents finally gave up after Natalie and I both came down with a cold from lack of sleep. My hero husband marched out and bought a crib tent. This thing is worth every penny of the ridiculous sum that Babies R Us sells it for. Natalie sleeps again at naps and at night and actually thinks her new tent is pretty cool. She seems to not mind her loss of freedom as she is back in a "crib" instead of a toddler bed.
Noelle is discovering a whole new world of fun and mischief in being able to get around by dragging her body with her arms and pushing off ocassionally with her toes. Poor Natalie is suddenly realizing what this little kid is capable of. About thirty times a day, my poor two year old will grab up a beloved toy (usually a stuft animal of some sort). From across the room, Noelle's head shoots up to take notice and her slow but determined scoot across the room begins. It is sometimes accompanied by a triumphant "A-da! A-da! A-da!" Eventually, Noelle will reach out with one starfish hand and grab at Natalie's current toy obsession. This is quickly followed by an appalled Natalie screaming "No, that's mind!" (yes she says mind, not mine) and snatching her toy back while retreating to another area of the room. Noelle just watches in fascination and then proceeds again to chase Natalie with similar results.
Occasionally though, Noelle will be interested in a toy that Natalie is not currently holding. When this happens, it is a similar scenario. The second Noelle picks it up, Natalie takes notice. Since Natalie is quite a bit faster than Noelle at this time, she races over within seconds and snatches the new favorite toy out of the baby's hand before she can shove it happily into her mouth. Now it certainly doesn't matter if this is a toy that Natalie never wanted anything to do with previously. If Noelle likes it, it must not be a dud afterall. "No, that's MIND!" Within days, my job as mother that already involves me being at times, a teacher, a nurse, and a horsey among other things, now includes referee.
As hard as these transitions can be, they are so exciting as well. Just thinking about how my little Natalie can open doors and how Noelle can crawl, fills my eyes with tears of joy. My little girls are taking baby steps toward who they will be as women some day. For now, yes my days are filled with diapers, sippy cups, and chasing chortling babies, but before we know it, steps are going to be taken and we will be onto new phases. Some day the house may be filled with school-work papers, girl scout badges, and sports equipment. Later, there may be make up, prom dresses, and (I hope) in-state college applications. There is definitely a lot to look forward to. For now though, I will hug my little ones close and try not to miss anything. These days are to be embraced and treasured forever.
It started with a giant thud that shook the house during
Noelle is discovering a whole new world of fun and mischief in being able to get around by dragging her body with her arms and pushing off ocassionally with her toes. Poor Natalie is suddenly realizing what this little kid is capable of. About thirty times a day, my poor two year old will grab up a beloved toy (usually a stuft animal of some sort). From across the room, Noelle's head shoots up to take notice and her slow but determined scoot across the room begins. It is sometimes accompanied by a triumphant "A-da! A-da! A-da!" Eventually, Noelle will reach out with one starfish hand and grab at Natalie's current toy obsession. This is quickly followed by an appalled Natalie screaming "No, that's mind!" (yes she says mind, not mine) and snatching her toy back while retreating to another area of the room. Noelle just watches in fascination and then proceeds again to chase Natalie with similar results.
Occasionally though, Noelle will be interested in a toy that Natalie is not currently holding. When this happens, it is a similar scenario. The second Noelle picks it up, Natalie takes notice. Since Natalie is quite a bit faster than Noelle at this time, she races over within seconds and snatches the new favorite toy out of the baby's hand before she can shove it happily into her mouth. Now it certainly doesn't matter if this is a toy that Natalie never wanted anything to do with previously. If Noelle likes it, it must not be a dud afterall. "No, that's MIND!" Within days, my job as mother that already involves me being at times, a teacher, a nurse, and a horsey among other things, now includes referee.
As hard as these transitions can be, they are so exciting as well. Just thinking about how my little Natalie can open doors and how Noelle can crawl, fills my eyes with tears of joy. My little girls are taking baby steps toward who they will be as women some day. For now, yes my days are filled with diapers, sippy cups, and chasing chortling babies, but before we know it, steps are going to be taken and we will be onto new phases. Some day the house may be filled with school-work papers, girl scout badges, and sports equipment. Later, there may be make up, prom dresses, and (I hope) in-state college applications. There is definitely a lot to look forward to. For now though, I will hug my little ones close and try not to miss anything. These days are to be embraced and treasured forever.